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JSC Commends Justice Tumwesigye for Great Service
Hon. Justice Tumwesigye (left) with the commissioners of Judicial Service Commission

KAMPALA: The Judicial Service Commission (JSC)on Friday (October 11, 2019) JSC bid farewell to Hon. Justice Jotham Tumwesigye upon successful completion of his tour of duty at the Commission.

The Commissioners led by their Chairperson, Hon.Justice Benjamin Kabiito, commended the Supreme Court Justice for his exemplary leadership skills.

Speaker after speaker shared some of the nuggets of wisdom they had picked from Hon. Justice Tumwesigye in the four years he has spent at the Commission.

A toast was made to honor his legacy at JSC followed by a cake cutting ceremony at the JSC offices in Kampala.

In 2015,Hon. Justice Tumwesigye was vetted and approved by Parliament's Appointments Committee to represent the Judiciary at JSC after being nominated by President Yoweri Museveni.

Established under the Article 146 of the constitution, JSC advises the President on appointment of the top echelon of the Judiciary besides exercising disciplinary control over judicial officers at all levels.

JSC is composed of nine members representing Uganda Law Society (2), Public Service Commission (1), two members of the public who are not lawyers nominated by the President, Judiciary (1) the Attorney General, Deputy Chairperson and Chairperson

Hon.Justice Tumwesigye has been sitting on the Supreme Court bench since 2009.

Posted 14th, October 2019
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